About Us.

We often think of Charity As an Action.
But I think of Charity as a State Of The Heart.

The Chanakya’s Upliftment of Rural, Educational & Sports Charitable Trust (CURES) Foundation was established for charitable purposes aimed at improving rural areas on education and sports sector to achieve their goals, particularly in INDIA.

When you donate to CURES, we make sure your contribution creates the greatest benefit in people’s lives.


As a nonprofit organization, we help those who don’t necessarily qualify for government funding.

The CURES Foundation is established by Mr.Harish S who has multiple national level awards to his credit and is a successful global Achiever. At various stages he witnessed the poor, struggling to achieve their goals and hence dedicated CURES to substantially help as many children as possible from among the poorest of the poor.

Based on the experience of working in various sectors, it became evident that education is the key facilitating factor underpinning the development of children. Mr.Harish has been active since 2011 indulging himself in training children in the sports sector. Results of these efforts include the participation of children at various National Levels and have also won awards. The next step has been heading towards Rural and educational development activities too.

The well-being of people living in rural areas ensures sustainable development in our country. Rural development is a process that aims at improving the standard of living of people in rural areas. It may be defined as the overall development of rural areas to improve the quality of life of the rural public. It is an integrated process, which includes social, economic, political and spiritual development of the poorer sections of the society by providing complete support on rural activities and education.

Education offers the youth a foundation to achieve their potential. However, millions of children drop out of schools for financial reasons. Cures Foundation promotes primary education among underprivileged children through global partnerships.

We also work towards encouraging sporting talent by extending the right support at the right time. We aim to support young people with talent to achieve their full sporting potential by reducing the financial burden of training and competition costs.